Saif Ali Khan returned to his Bandra residence on Tuesday after being discharged from Lilavati Hospital, where he was treated for injuries sustained during a home intrusion earlier this month. The actor suffered six stab wounds, including one to his spine. He underwent surgery to repair a cerebrospinal fluid leak and plastic surgeries on his arm and neck. Despite the severity of his injuries, Saif was discharged just five days later and was seen walking comfortably at home. His swift recovery has sparked skepticism, with some, including Maharashtra Minister Nitesh Rane, questioning whether the attack was genuine.
Amid these doubts, Bengaluru-based cardiologist Dr. Deepak Krishnamurthy shared insights to address the skepticism. In a video posted on X (formerly Twitter), he showed his 78-year-old mother walking with a cast on her fractured foot shortly after undergoing spine surgery. “For those doubting Saif Ali Khan’s spine surgery recovery, even some doctors, here’s my mother walking on the same day she had spine surgery. A younger, fitter person can recover even faster,” he wrote.
In a follow-up tweet, Dr. Krishnamurthy explained that Saif’s injuries were less severe than his mother’s. “My mother had a fractured spine, while Saif only had a cerebrospinal fluid leak and a tear in the duramater, which was repaired. She was discharged the next day!” He further highlighted that advancements in medical care allow people to recover quickly, even from major procedures like cardiac bypass surgeries, where patients often walk within 3–4 days. “Please educate yourselves before jumping to conclusions and displaying ignorance,” he advised.
These comments followed Minister Nitesh Rane’s accusations that Saif exaggerated his injuries. “I doubted whether he was stabbed or acting… he was practically dancing while walking out of the hospital,” Rane remarked, alleging that Saif’s attacker was an illegal Bangladeshi immigrant. He further criticized the growing issue of illegal immigration in Mumbai, stating, “Bangladeshis are now entering homes instead of standing at crossings. Maybe the attacker came to take him [Saif] away. It’s good… garbage should be taken away.”
Similarly, Sanjay Nirupam, a former Congress member now aligned with Eknath Shinde’s Shiv Sena faction, questioned the seriousness of the incident. “The way Saif came out, it seemed like nothing had happened six days ago,” he commented.
The incident occurred last week when an intruder broke into Saif Ali Khan’s home intending to commit theft. During a violent confrontation, the actor sustained multiple stab wounds. The alleged attacker, Sariful Islam, an illegal immigrant from Bangladesh, was apprehended in Thane after a three-day manhunt involving over 20 Mumbai Police teams.