UP Constable Re-test Date: New dates have been set for the UP Police recruitment test

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UP Constable Re-test Date: New dates have been set for the UP Police recruitment test

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Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board has announced new dates (UP Police Constable Re-Exam). A written exam is to be held for direct recruitment on a total of 60244 posts. After the paper leak scandal, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath had given instructions to conduct the exam again in 6 months.

The Uttar Pradesh government has announced new dates for the UP Police Recruitment Exam. Now this exam will be held on 23, 24, 25, 30 and 31 August. The government had cancelled the exam after the paper was leaked. This time strong arrangements have been made to prevent rigging. A release has been issued by the police. According to this, it has been decided by the Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board to conduct the written examination for Direct Recruitment-2023 for 60244 posts of Constable Civil Police on 23,24,25 August and 30,31 August 2024.

After the cancellation of the exam, new dates were being awaited. The reason behind the delay in the exam again was considered to be the Kavad Yatra and the flood situation in UP. Now after the exam dates have been revealed, the candidates have heaved a sigh of relief. At the same time, it will be a big challenge for the administration to ensure that there is no rigging in the exam this time.

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