Himachal Chief Minister’s ‘Stay Indoors’ Message Amid Heavy Rain Alert

Himachal Chief Minister’s ‘Stay Indoors’ Message Amid Heavy Rain Alert

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The chief minister of Himachal Pradesh, a mountainous state, has urged residents to stay inside for the next 24 hours as the region braces for additional rain following yesterday’s damage.

“I want to ask that everyone who lives in the state stay inside for the next 24 hours because there will likely be very heavy rain.” Three helplines, 1100, 1070, and 1077, have been launched. To give information about anyone trapped in the disaster, dial these numbers. I’m here to help you whenever you need me, he stated in a video message.

The Chief Minister asked lawmakers to set up camps in their districts and assist the populace. He requested assistance for those affected by the disaster and that their losses be made up.

He said that the state government is working to save individuals who are trapped and that the disaster has claimed the lives of 14 people so far.

The National Capital Region, portions of Punjab, Uttarakhand, Rajasthan, and Jammu & Kashmir have also been engulfed in the monsoon wrath, but Himachal has been particularly hard struck.

On social media, terrifying images of landslides and flooding in the hill state have been circulating as emergency response teams make every effort to save those who are trapped. The worst-affected areas include Manali, Kullu, Kinnair, and Chamba.

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